Preparing For Your Headshot Session
Need some help preparing for your headshot session. Now that you have committed to raising your game and bringing your personal brand to the next level. Here are some helpful tips to make the most of your Headshot session
What to wear for your headshots
Since these are headshots we only need to worry about the top half. Bring at least 4 or 5 tops that match your style and the style you are wanting to portray. Professional attire, t-shirts (no logos), tank tops, straps, solid tops, collars, varying neck lines etc. Preferably solid colors that compliment your skin tone without matching it. Stripes, patterns and super neon colors can be distracting, and we want the focus to be on you. Avoid anything with padded shoulders. Pay attention to the condition of your clothing. It may be your favorite shirt, but if the neck and edges are all frayed, you won’t look your best.
Avoid flashy necklaces and earrings. If you have pierced ears, simple studs or small hoops are preferred.
If you want to get a haircut do it a week or two before the shoot.
Women – It is recommended that you have your hair and make-up done by a professional; please make sure they know that you are doing this for a photoshoot. If you are doing your own make-up, keep this in mind: Less is more, if you suddenly have a breakout, don’t worry, I can fix that in retouch. You want make-up to lightly smooth out your skin and enhance your features. Absolutely NO Metallic, Pearl-Essence, Iridescent, Florescent or Reflective make-ups. Heavy make-up is hard to retouch and will not promote the best you in the photo. Style your hair as if you are going to a business meeting, audition, interview etc. If you want shots with a ponytail as well, come with your hair down to start and bring a hair tie, we will end the session with the ponytail shots.
Men – No make-up. If you want to have some scruff in your shot, grow it a few days ahead of time. You can shave at the studio to get some clean shots as well. Pay attention to places you might normally overlook. Nose and ear hair, eyebrows and unibrow. Chapstick is your friend, especially in Colorado.
It is important to start hydrating 2-3 days before your session. Stay out of the sun and make sure to use some type of lip moisturizer. Sunburns and chapped lips are tough to retouch. Get a good-nights sleep the day before and eat at least a light breakfast or lunch. If you have a certain type of music you would like to bring, bring it! Otherwise, you can pick from some of my lists or we can hit up Pandora and wing it.

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